Eminence Massage Professionals
Massage Therapist, Cosmetologist and Estheticians will find a revolutionary working with Eminence Massage in addition to protocols which streamline work required before, during and after the client session. Eminence Massage therapist and estheticians will experience single session environments and team working environment. Unlike traditional salons we offer mobile spa services with both employed and private practitioners. You will be working with Eminence Massage as a freelance professional, this means that you are self employed and will be independently contracted with us. As a freelance professional you are expected to maintain the same high professional standard of work and customer care that would be expected of you in any situation. Eminence Massage employees virtually work everyday, and others who may only work once every two weeks. We have some therapists who we call for work the same day they are contracted, and others who may not hear from us for a week or more. Therapists who have a more open schedule are also more likely to get more work. About 55% of request have been for same day or next day appoints however we can not predict, or dictate when and where clients want a massage. We try to be as fair and direct for providing work to all contracted with our company, however demand also varies by season, weather and location. You are also responsible for being fully insured for providing all necessary in home and mobile spa treatments if for any reason your insurance is out of date or has expired please inform your Eminence Massage LLC Manager immediately, we must temporarily cancel contracting services with thus therapist until your license is up to date. We strive to find a good balance between paying a fair amount to our hard-working therapists while also earning enough for the business to continue paying for our staff’s salaries, our marketing activities, and all of the other things that allow the business to run and continually create opportunities for our therapists to work. We understand that screening clients is a legitimate concern. Over the years we have seen fewer and fewer problem clients for a variety of reasons. It starts with a very professional elite website, and continues with professional assertive customer service. Our representatives are very well trained in identifying red flags and will make it as clear as necessary in case there is any question that our services are strictly professional. We can not guarantee 1000% superb behavior from all clients, so we rely on our therapists to take responsibility for themselves, make ethical assessments and handle all situations professionally. Our companies motto is ethical decisions, good assessments and great judgements. Eminence Massage is a great fit for Estheticians interested in bringing skin care to a whole new client base. We provide this unique marriage of two approaches to therapeutic touch and personal wellness. We are excited to offer these two complimentary approaches into one seed to help propel the skin and health care profession out of the medi-spa or elite circles and into one mobile mainstream! Eminence Massage LLC promotes our professionals to inform us about any extra training or certifications you obtain while working pertaining to your scope, this will increase your contracted services with company. We offer Estheticians, Cosmetologist and Massage Therapist a flexible schedule for opportunities, team work and a great environment to exercise there tactful and skills. Eminence Massage LLC believes in the principles of truth, justice, fairness and honesty in dealing with our clients, we know that every time a trained therapist, esthetician begins working with caring hands, skills and a compassionate heart touches someone, they make a difference. We honor the work you do and want to personally thank you for exploring a contract career with Eminence Massage LLC so you can bring the therapeutic and wellness benefits of massage to your own community. Eminence Massage’s mission is to help create an ethical, moral and professional service to the public. Our professional code of conduct is intended to regulate professional conduct of members of Massage Therapy, Cosmetologist and Estheticians through discipline and health. They have been adopted by the State statues to pursuant and protect the public and to promote respect and confidence in the Mobile spa profession. These rules and any related standards adopted by the Board are binding on all members of the state. In all professional functions, a practitioner should zealously pursue clients’ interests within the bounds of the ethics and laws. In doing so, a practitioner should be competent, prompt and diligent and first maintain communication with a client concerning there health and need assessments. Have an proficient, current and adequate state Massage/cosmetologist/esthetician license. Massage therapists, cosmetologist and estheticians must truthfully represent the time limits and benefits of mobile spa treatments when serving consumers. Professional maintain professional boundaries between themselves and their clients and protect their clients’ health and safety. All professional shall keep in confidence information relating to representation of a client except so far as disclosure is required or permitted by the Stare and Professional Conduct or other law. Eminence Massage LLC profession has a responsibility to assure that its regulation is undertaken in the public interest rather than in furtherance of parochial or self-interested concerns of the practitioner only, and to insist that every therapist, cosmetologist and esthetician both comply with its minimum disciplinary standards and aid. Accept responsibility to do no harm to the physical, mental and emotional well-being of self, clients, and associates and company. Refrain from engaging in any sexual conduct or sexual activities involving their Consumer/clients. Neglect of these responsibilities compromises the independence of the profession and the client and public interest which we serve. As professional business ethics have many dimensions, particularly in the realm of health and wellness. As part of the professional community, we ask that you agree to a basic caring set of guidelines and principles that are outlined below. Though not exhaustive, we hope these guidelines will assist you in establishing an honest, trusting and rewarding relationship. We ask you to use these guidelines and regulations as the basis for the relationship you are about to and further develop.
Becoming The Best Eminence Professional (GUIDELINES & REGULATIONS)
1.)Please be sure to keep a record of each massage mobile spa service to keep track of all your sessions. We recommended a scheduling app or a written log.
2.) Payments… All payments will be transferred within same day or one business days after contractors services are complete with an email confirmation after each payment, this may exclude some holidays or weekends. Contractors will be sure to keep direct deposit information up to date on accounts so transfers can be made quickly and accurately for everyone’s convenience. Contractors are also provided payment through our company Cash App, Zelle or Paypal
Cash Payment Deposit Procedures: For cash payments given by customers, contractors will directly deposit all money given by consumer (excluding tip) by same day or next business day by 5 pm to our Wells Fargo.. Contractors may also use mobile transfer on smart phone or online to send money into accounts online using companies cash app or zelle information. Contractors may also directly send wire transfers to Eminence Massage LLC Wells Fargo account. Please contact a manager for account numbers.
3.) Have body scrubs, mud wraps, facial equipment prepared and set aside for on call services. This will save you time when preparing for appointments.
4.) If it is easier to apply spa services in any sitting position or any mechanical position to which is easier upon the muscles and removes pressures off certain parts of the body, adjust yourself to that position, and always use proper body mechanics while providing services.
5.) If you desire you may pack an extra uniform in case you receive a request for an out call service while on the road, this will save you time provide convenience. Your uniform will be white or black no logos on pants or shirts, scrubs, linen, or ankle high pants clothing can be obtain from any Kmart, Walmart, target or nursing uniform stores. Shirts are provided by the company if we have an event. No head bands, hats, gloves, no heavy facial hair, no smoking before session, heavy colognes, perfumes, no tight clothing or visible tattoos. Please do not reserve any presented appointments if you have any broken skin or lesions, a flu, cold, any medical conditions that can interfere with work , intoxication by alcohol or any drugs. For chair massage events you are expected to be in uniform, if the event is out side, knee high white shorts are sometimes suitable, we may even wear a sponsoring companies uniform shirt to help promote there event.
6.) An important step in massage therapy is always sterilization. Make sure you know how to sterilize and properly clean your massage linens, tables, facial and cosmetology equipment, mobile work station and your most important tools are kept mobile for immediate appointments. Know how to keep them clean, in accordance with environmental and spa safety standards.
7.) A high quality massage/esthetician table bag can reduce the strain on your body. A deluxe carry case includes a thickly padded shoulder strap for superior comfort, durable fabric and stitching, and extra padding on the bottom to protect your table from bumps and minor impacts. One of the biggest benefits of a deluxe case is that you can keep all of your main supplies in one bag, with large pockets for a massage bolster, linens, oils, and other accessories on the outside of the case. A high quality massage/esthetician table bag can reduce the strain on your body. A deluxe carry case includes a thickly padded shoulder strap for superior comfort, durable fabric and stitching, and extra padding on the bottom to protect your table from bumps and minor impacts. One of the biggest benefits of a deluxe case is that you can keep all of your main supplies in one bag, with large pockets for a massage bolster, linens, oils, and other accessories on the outside of the case.
8.) Many opportunities working with many of the other therapist, some you may have met in training. You will be providing services such as couples massage sessions where two of you will meet at the consumers location and simultaneously greet our clients, set up tables side by side, create spa ambiance together, generally Men take the women clients and the vice verse. Keep tables side by side. If back to back couples massage services, only one of you will meet with the consumers and women will receive there massage first then men. Follow set up and draping, candles and music procedures, you can place rose petals on the table if you have them available for side by side or single sessions.
9.) As a mobile professional, you deal with a constantly changing work environment every day. Use Eminence Massage guidelines and tips to reduce the stress from out calls, ensuring more relaxing mobile spa sessions for both you and client.
10.) For large chair massage events, chairs, music, small portable tables, face cradles and disinfecting wipes will be provided by Eminence Massage Company. For smaller events chairs and disinfected equipment (timer such as watch or phone) will be provided by therapist, you are expected to set up your massage chairs either side by side or where the host of the event request setup and cater 10 – 15 minute sessions to all clients at office or event. Time length and location will be provided before events. Please be sure to adhere to time of events and remain at location for only the time Eminence Massage company has given to you, if requested to stay longer please contact company first consent and payment advice.
11.) Spa parties will be worked with other professionals depending upon the event. Full uniform is required for all Eminence Spa parties. For smaller spa parties, you are required to set up your equipment and provide services in your scope to attending guest, for larger events, equipment and set up will be provided by company. Full details of each spa party such as the amount and length of services required will be provided prior to each event.
12.) At times when we book you a massage session. We may inform you there will be an intake form that you must review, before you arrive to the consumer. We usually send it to your email. This will inform you if client may need extra work into there ham strings, and trigger point therapy or myofacial release work is needed, or if they currently are experiencing and muscle pain or had a spasm.
13.) We ask that you leave 10 minutes to each appointment to maintain avoid being late, prevent unknown circumstances such as unexpected traffic, limited parking spaces, not being able able to find a parking meter, carrying massage tables up stares, some appointments may require you to already be set up at the appointment time in these cases you will be inform this is generally in direct relation to chair massage events and spa parties where you will be required to arrive 1 hour to help prepare for event and set up your station, there have been cases you may only be able to valet, we ask you record your valet ticket number on your massage appointment so it can be verified that day and to be reimbursed. We also want to maintain a present a prompt image.
14.) Many reservations will be made by direct calls and text messaging, if text please be sure to quickly respond if you will like to take the session. You can simply respond accept and if you are first to respond you will be booked for that session, please never respond through text to the group and send all text messages one on one to Manager who has contacted you for services. Therapist and estheticians shall refrain from contacting other therapist through text to solicit services to them or to ask about any previous/current/future services.
15.) If you’re still struggling under the weight of your table, consider purchasing a lightweight aluminum massage/esthetician table. Aluminum is a lighter material than wood, which makes it perfect for an out call table. Depending on your size and strength, you may be able to handle a heavier table, but for professionals who prefer the lightest weight possible, aluminum is the way to go.
16.) Familiarize yourself with the various services and prices listed on company website pertaining to your scope. This includes many different therapeutic massages, facials, body wrap/scrub, tanning, waxing, mani & pedis. This will help you tremendously when trying to understand your new company as a whole. It will also help if a client requires additional time and inquires about pricing or simply wants to be explained a service.
17.) Please be sure to support our company as a winning team and join our social media. Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Eminence App, Youtube, Instagrama etc..
18.) While catering our mobile spa services to guest at chair massage events and spa parties please maintain a professional and ethical demeanor through out event, and refrain from eating, smoking, sitting on furniture while at locations, or lingering at locations after services are complete.
19.) Demonstrate commitment to provide the highest quality massage therapy/bodywork to those who seek their professional service.
20.) Acknowledge the inherent worth and individuality of each person by not discriminating or behaving in any prejudicial manner with consumers and/or fellow contractors.
21.) Demonstrate professional excellence through regular self-assessment of strengths, limitations, and effectiveness by continued education and training.
22.) Acknowledge the confidential nature of the professional relationship with clients and respect each client’s right to privacy.
23.) Conduct all business and professional activities within their scope of practice, the law of the land, and project a professional image.
24.) Refrain from engaging in any sexual conduct or sexual activities involving their Consumer/clients as this is a ground for immediate termination of Eminence Contract.
25.) Accept responsibility to do no harm to the physical, mental and emotional well-being of self, clients, and fellow associates. All professionals are expected to be courteous and cordual to consumers and fellow contractors. Eminence Massage will not condemn and negative language in front of clients or towards any Eminence Contractors. If dealing with a co-worker with a non pious attitude please disdain from and lessen interaction to a minimum. Contact a manager and please inform them of the situation once event/service is complete. If the opportunity presents itself to inform a manager early on please contact one immediately if situation causes clients discomfort.
26.) Refrain from using Eminence Massage position, including the Eminence Massage name, logo or other intellectual property, in any way that is unauthorized, improper or misleading. Ex: shirts are to only be worn for Eminence Services and not outside those scopes. Eminence Massage requires scrub worn to perform mobile spa services. Colors to be worn are black or white. Black or white scrub pants will be worn for event services along with a Eminence logo shirt provided by a manager. This will be standard unless advised differently by manager. When arriving to home, hotels, to distribute services scrubs worn will bare no personal, work or logo of any kind.
27.) Solicit or pursue Eminence Massage Clients for personal reasons, if you are working an event on behalf of Eminence Massage or providing in home spa services, we ask that you do not pass out any personal business cards, promote yourself or compete with services that we offer, however if you do offer additional professional services that we cannot offer then we encourage you to take the given opportunity to promote yourself, we also ask that contractors completely refrain from interacting or engaging personal relationships with clients. Ex: inviting or accepting invitations to personal events. If consumer is someone of whom you are familiar with please inform company after therapeutic massage is complete so we can diligently not reassign you to this client in the future. If consumer cancels for these purposes then the current cancellation policy and procedure will be followed.
28.) Strive to help each client realize his or her potential as a worthy and effective member of society. The therapist/esthetician therefore works to stimulate the spirit of inquiry, the acquisition of knowledge and understanding, and the thoughtful formulation of worthy health practices.
29.) Disclose to any client a conflict which would prevent another member from performing a fair, professional treatment, never performing in any unethical manner and will never misrepresent or disparage any member, in any forum, in order to obtain an assignment or to obtain an unfair advantage during an appointment or while carrying out the duties of the association.
30.) Massage therapist & Estheticians will commit themselves to ongoing education courses required by there specified licensed state to provide clients and the public with the most accurate information possible
31.) Massage Therapist & Estheticians will strictly adhere to all usage instructions and guidelines provided by product and equipment manufacturers, provided those guidelines and instructions are within the scope of practice as defined by the state, if required
32.) Massage Therapist & Estheticians will maintain client confidentiality, and provide clear, honest communication. Estheticians will provide clients with clear and realistic goals and outcomes and will not make false claims regarding the potential benefits of the techniques rendered or products recommended.
33.) Remain aware of the importance of maintaining the respect and confidence of one’s colleagues, of managers, staff, and of other members of the service for any event, the promoter, owner, planner strives to achieve and sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct.
34.) Travel cost are not covered, unless you are traveling a significant distance from your home base. Parking expenses are charged to the client, whether hotel or parking lot fees. You will be reimbursed for any additional parking expenses when you receive your payments for that specific appointment or by client to which services were provided
35.) Eminence Massage Professionals strictly follow professionals guidelines when in residential locations, hotels, yachts, country clubs and forever will refrain from theft of any kind while working in clientele location.
36.) Professional Presentations are as follows: no head bands, no gloves, no heavy facial hair, no smoking before session, no tight clothing, no drugs are brought into homes, no tattoos showing during appointments, no facial piercings, no heavy perfume or cologne
37.) Professionals will refrain from working with broken skin or lesions, flu, cold, any medical conditions not mention at the time of the reservation, intoxication by alcohol, or substances.
38.) Eminence Massage Professionals may courteously support company by supporting all social media apps for company
39.) Professionals are expected to log each appointment for maintain accurate account of work related information for personal use
40.) Professionals must log into the Eminence Massage website and view contractors rules, regulations and guidelines to becoming the best Eminence Massage therapist Professional
41.) Please be sure to summit any necessary information such as change of address or phone number to company diligently through out course of being contracted.
42.) Many reservations will be made by direct calls and text messaging, if text please be sure to quickly respond if you will like to take the session. You can simply respond accept and if you are first to respond you will be booked for that session.
43.) For each in home & hotel appointment I or an assistant will send you an address and phone number for the consumer. Please use your GPS to pin point the exact location or to give your self an eta, in some cases you may have to provide consumers an eta as well. When provided the consumers phone number, you must contact consumer and give a confirmation of the assign appointment 1 hour before arrival or immediately if on route to client. If appointment is scheduled for a week in advanced or a few days in advance please remember to take note of time, consumers name and phone number to call. Contacting consumers will also help with specific and more detailed parking situations, apartment and hotel room numbers. If consumer does not answer phone when you contact him or her please be sure to still arrive to appointment at the exact timing you are due to arrive. In many cases a consumer may not be in ear shot of there phone however they are still expecting there service. Please do not call or text to inform company or an assistant there is no answer, please be sure to only call or text immediately if appointment is cancelled or if you feel no one is at or may not arrive to location. Please refer to the calling consumers section below if you require advice on what to say and how to communicate with consumers when confirming appointments.
44.) Company does not ask our clients if they have any pets, this is to maintain a company welcoming and ethical conversation with clients, if you do have an allergy to any in home pets please be sure to take your allergy medicine (loratadine, Flonase, Rhinocort, Allegra-D, allergy) before all appointments, we ask that you do not decline sessions once you are in clients homes for these reasons. If your specific medication takes a while to take succor please be sure to accept sessions provided at later hours of the day when you are certain your medicine has taken affect.
45.) We ask that all Eminence mobile massage therapist have excellent transportation. Providing mobile services requires a reliable working vehicle, you may also utilize a friend or family members vehicle for appointments as long as you can guaranty on time arrival for every service accepted. Please try to refrain from being dropped off by a friend or family member to homes, houses, town homes and condos under any circumstance as this may cause some discomfort with clients. If reliable transportation is not readily available please do not accept appointments. You may be drop off at a hotel location to save money on parking, we also ask that you please refrain from having a friend or family member help to escort your table or mobile spa equipment to doors or inside of the homes, condos, and the up stairs of apartment appointments. This may deter client from feeling the Eminence Massage professional image. If you find yourself struggling under the weight of your massage table please purchase a table which is more convenient for you to carry, you may also refer below to the (massage therapist- mobile massage equipment section) for places you can find tables that can better suite you as a mobile massage therapist.
46.) For spa parties and some chair massage events in certain cities you may be required to arrive at storage the day before or the day of events, to obtain necessary items for your station given station, compensation will be provided for extra labor and travel for events. Spa parties are group events and we ask that you bring your team player attitude.
47.) Eminence Massage does not carry a compete clause you may contract and work with as many companies as you choose. Please wear the Eminence brand clothing and prestigious attitude for Eminence group services.
48.) Professionals will accept and decline appointments at your leisure, keeping your schedule flexible and open if working another job. Therapist who do not respond to any appointments for one month with no notice to a manger will be remove from contact roster. Respond to group text messages through personal direct text, not to the group. Professionals will also keep in mind to only respond accept and not to decline appointments.
49.) Leaving early for appointments helps with unexpected wether conditions.
Professionals Right to Refuse Treatments
1.) Location inside has poor, heavy smoke scent, unsafe or unsanitary environmental conditions for massage, you may decline session, therapist
2.) Misconduct such as solicitation or suggestive sexual comments which provide discomfort, massage may be discontinued, client refuses draping etc, state law informs draping must be provided by therapist and if consent is giving between therapist and client, it is not required. As a contractor with Eminence, draping is required. We created the Eminence Massage Safety Advisory Council, a panel made up of leading experts in sexual assault prevention, law enforcement, victim support, and the massage therapy profession, to provide ongoing advice on best practices and ways to make our Commitment to Safety program even stronger.
We ask that therapist do a environmental check, and encourage a conformation call as well as informing a friend or relative of your specified location upon arrival, as protocol, please feel free to also confirm upon arrival that client has requested and will be receiving strictly therapeutic mobile massage services
3.) Any medical conditions or contraindication not mention at time of reservation or not listed on intake form,
4.) Client Intoxication by alcohol/Drug usage, please decline session
5.) Contraindication- If treatment to be given is deemed necessarily inappropriate for appointment
6.) Allergic to consumers pets, please take allergy medication before arriving to homes
7.) If clients wants to have massage near pool, hotel roof top with pool or better scenery, please inform them they must provide a shaded area to avoid having work in the heat.
8.) We ask both professionals and clients to not book services if they are experiencing any Covid 19 symptoms, this includes fever, coughing, head ache, internal body pains, we ask that both therapist and clients receive daily/weekly temperature checks and refrain from booking appointments if you have been expose to any one with coronavirus
In addition to these everyday steps, on site technicians are also encouraged to be extra diligent to ensure if they are exhibiting any signs or symptoms of illness, including acute respiratory illness, decline session.
Safety Procedures
Eminence Massage utilizes a carful screening process for potential clients, gathers detailed personal and financial information and thoroughly informs consumers to our strictly therapeutic terms and agreement policy during booking. However we fully expect our professionals to use meticulous assessment both when traveling and upon arrival at every clients location.
Contractors must always be aware of environment before and upon arrival. Do not accept sessions which are located in potentially unwelcoming or dangerous environments.
Contractors must use a Safe check-in/check-out procedures for outcalls and while working alone. Ex; Send a safety text or call to a friend or family member prior to arrival of appointment
Contractors must also be sure there safety is always guaranteed, steps that can be taken include having bell person walk you to hotel rooms, asking front desk to call client before going to room hotel room, calling company in front of client to say that you have arrived, taking self defense course to help ensure personal safety. Contractors may bring a mace for any appointment.
Contractors may ask client to greet them outside of home for night appointments, while in drive way or in parking lot of a living complex.
Contractors are never to bring another person to appointment with them, it does not relay a professional image.
Contractors may use an alarm app, this can immediately alert the police to you location if need arises, professionals may take self defense courses to help ensure personal safety or carry mace
Professionals may ask client to greet them outside of home for night appointments at a house in clients driveway or greet them in parking lot of a living complex.
Contractors should speak directly to client before arrival to any appointment. Professionals should feel free to gather some intake information during calls, this will help you to to fully prescreens potential client. Parking information or further directions can also be relayed to professional during this call. Contractors will contact all appointments before arrival to provide and eta to client.
Contacting Clients:
Hello My name is (your name). I’m contacting you from Eminence Massage, I am calling to confirm your appointment/event today at (time). I/We will arrive at your location by (provide eta). If not already provided, please remember to gather details about parking, condo unit number, apartment number, hotel room number etc, front desk information, name to give security guard at gate. Remember to be polite, professional and courteous from beginning of call to ending of session.
Massage, Skin & Body Treatment Contraindications All Therapist Should Fully Be Aware/Knowledgeable Of..
Massage is safe when it is performed with an understanding between both client and therapist. There are guidelines which I recommend are taken into account prior to performing a therapeutic massage. Please proceed with caution and be aware of symptoms, and remain present through out the massage.
Diabetes – Your client must stay well hydrated before during and after there treatment, this helps to make certain your blood sugars are controlled before the treatment. Clients may not delay a meal because of scheduling, question have they eaten something before going into there treatment so they do not become hypoglycemic during there massage, no aromatherapy because it can get into the skin, you may ask do they have an ok from their doctor to get massage
Pregnancy- If Treatment in to be given is deemed necessarily inappropriate for pregnant women, no aromatherapy
Facial Procedures- Being careful doing facials with clients who have recently had facial implants, juvederm, fillers such as botox, juvederm ultra, Lip Implants, recent facial piercings, facial surgeries, skin conditions.
Injury or inflammation of the muscle tissue – If the client has been present inflammation or swelling that has been present for more then 24h( redness, swelling, and is or hot to touch) do not massage that area, however if that area is contracted do to stress you may apply hot compress, (Proceed with Caution)
Broken bones: Stay away from an area of mending bones. A little light massage to the surrounding areas, though, can improve circulation and be quite helpful.
Fractured or Dislocated Bones- 1st aid and remit to a Doctor do not massage the area, with Doctors permit we can massage with rehabilitation( Proceed with Caution)
Flu or Cold- Do not Massage, If it is not a contagious condition, light massage of the hands and feet, face and or hand may alleviate discomfort.
Fever: When you have a fever, your body is trying to isolate and expel an invader of some kind. Massage increases overall circulation and could therefore work against your body’s natural defenses, this is caused because toxins can further be pushed into the skin
Varicose Veins, Water Retention or Bad Circulation – Do not massage directly over the varicosities. Proceed with caution as the pressure of the massage could dislodge possible blood clots, or injure tissue were the circulation is poor. Apply very soft pressure in the remaining parts of the body and (proceed with caution)
Contagious Skin Conditions – Do not massage the affected area. Conditions may spread to other parts of the body avoid open Sores, open Wounds.
Hernia: Hernias are protrusions of part of an organ (such as the intestines) through a muscular wall. It’s not a good idea to try to push these organs back inside.
High Blood Pressure – High blood pressure means excessive pressure against blood vessel walls. Massage affects the blood vessels, and so people with high blood pressure or a heart condition should receive light, sedating massages, if at all. ( Proceed with Caution)
PTSD – The event often includes physical and/or psychological harm to an individual or a loved one. Triggers of PTSD include violent personal assaults, natural or man-made disasters, accidents, or military combat. Post-traumatic stress is the inability to dissociate the trauma from the past and live without fear of the future. We cannot fully be aware of an individuals psychological state of mind, however as therapist if we use our knowledge and judgement we can effectively demonstrate that massage therapy eases suffering caused by this disorder and assists in the recovery process.
Intoxication From Drugs or Alcohol – Do not massage may induce alcohol poisoning
Cancer: Avoid massaging tumor or surrounding areas, apply light and even pressure and avoid lymph nodes. Because cancer can spread through the lymphatic system, and because massage increases lymphatic circulation, it may potentially spread the disease as well. Simple, caring touch is fine, but massage strokes that stimulate circulation are not. Always check with a doctor first.
HIV infection- Some people still think of AIDS as something that can be “caught” through simple skin-to-skin contact, but most of us know that’s not the case. If there is no exchange of bodily fluids (blood, semen, vaginal fluids, or mother’s milk), HIV can’t be transmitted during massage. So, HIV infection is not contraindicated for this reason. However, some of the infections that people suffering from the later stages of AIDS experience are contraindicated, and you should avoid those infections. Loving, soothing contact is extremely important for people at any stage of infection, but in the case of any visible rashes, sores, lesions, or swelling, massage is best left to a professional. If you have any cuts or scrapes or scratches on your hands, it’s an especially good idea to wear thin surgical gloves while massaging
Allergies- Allergic to any oils, creams, possible certain (linen washing powders)
Pacemaker- No Hot Stone Massage, little to no pressure over pace maker
Pain Killers, Blood Thinners- Less pressure. This may also depend on dosage.
Knee Replacements – No pulling/stretching on leg.
No Cranio work with recent brain surgery or aneurisms.
Heavy Medication- Lighter pressure or scaring can occur, google medications on smart phone
Meeting With New Consumers
1.) Maintain eye contact. Poor eye contact conveys dishonesty and nervousness. Proper eye contact will help you establish trust and rapport with the client.
2.) Maintain a professional appearance. Correct attire for your profession is recommended. Eminence Massage designates a specific “uniform.” Good hygiene cannot be overemphasized. Cologne and perfume should not be worn during treatment sessions. Some clients may either be allergic or object to the fragrance. First impressions are lasting. Offer to remove shoes especially if you are in a home setting and there is carpet.
3.) Keep the conversation light when first greeting the client. Be amiable and respectful.
4.) Observe the demeanor of the client. Some clients may be friendly and open, while others may act guarded and distant. Recognizing the difference can help you establish effective communication skills for each individual client. What may work for one client may not work for another. Remember that some clients may be coming to see are due to some painful issues.
5.) Respect the client’s cultural and religious customs. The United States today is more culturally diverse than ever. You can expect to treat clients who have originated from many different foreign lands. Although some customs and beliefs may seem strange to you, they are a vital part of many people’s lives from foreign countries.
6.) When interviewing the client, be sure to state your question clearly and precisely. Allow the client to answer at his or her own pace. Use reflective and active listening skills and focus your attention on the client’s response. Do not attempt to do other things in the room while the client is talking.
7.) When responding, address any concerns the client may have had respectfully and cordially. Remember to cater responses in the client’s necessities and area which require more focus. If client requires consultation of an existing treatment in the scopes of massage & spa therapy as an Eminence Massage professional you may address and treat the specific area or area as a whole. Refrain from practicing any treatment which you are not licensed and essentially trained or certified in.
Greeting Procedures:
Greet: Hi (with a smile) I’m ..<Your Name>… From Eminence Massage ill be your therapist for today (maintain eye contact) Pleasure to meet you after handshake, then immediately give business card give company business card and ask where would you like me to set up, look for carpet offer to remove shoes before entering if necessary.
Assessment: Before we begin today, I need to know what is the most important thing I can do for you today, so are there any areas you would like me to give more attention to, place hand gentle on the specific area to know specifically were it is and ask (here) ( this allows you to cross into there boundary space and increase trust)
Contraindications: Ask do they have any conditions you should be aware of, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, varicose veins, open sores or wounds, recent surgeries, injuries or trauma, skin cancer, pregnancy or post traumatic stress. (Massage is not allowed in the first trimester of pregnancy) You as a therapist must also look for bruises, Skin irritations, open wounds, (contraindications)
Inform: Inform and (advise serenely) to them what kind of massage they will be receiving today. Now that I have gathered some information from you a swedish massage integrated with swe-thia technique, we always mention two modalities. were going to begin with your upper neck starting with a mild pressure and will work our way to a deep tissue around the shoulder, upper traps and lower scalp area. We will finish with a reiki into you quads, soleus and calfs and finish with a mild reflexology and acupressure into the feet.
Pressure: For the pressure emphasize they are in control of the pressure at all times, tell them feel free to inform me at any moment whether the pressure is to deep or to light, through out the entire massage you have the remote control, so always know you can control whether they want to increase or decrease the pressure at any moment.
Music: For your music (advise) inform consumers/clients we have an eastern relaxation a western spa music or Chinese medicine, zen, music is optional, most clients will say any music and some may say no music, few will have there own music they prefer to use, this is fine please assure client the music should be relaxing as possible to insure they receive the optimal benefits of there session. Pandora, spotify with no commercials. No nature or sound scape music unless requested. (Popular artist and music we use are Enya, Brian Crain, Adam West, western chinese medicine, meditational, classical, native american, spa suite popular C.D’s we utilize are Eltic Mist, Chi, Spa and Candlelight. We ask that you use a portable cd player, ipad, Smart Phone(Pandora-commercial free) or youtube, portable speaker (pill).
Beginning and Ending Sessions
1. You can start by saying, If you like, you can grab a glass of water to keep yourself hydrated through the massage as I’ll set up the massage table. Begin to set up table, (make light communication if you like optional) If space is limited, work with client.
2. Next for draping ask client have they ever received a massage before, they will reply yes or no, if yes, mention, so you are familiar that I’m going to have you lay under the top sheet and blanket, nothing will be expose at any time. Im going to give you two options, I can either stay here while you get undressed and Im going to lift the sheets and cover my face so I cannot see anything or do they prefer you stand out the room and allow them to undress to there comfort level and the slip between the sheets; This helps if the room is a studio or efficiency and there no where else for you to go.
3. Light conversation is (optional) please use your knowledge as a professional to help clients with physical conditions you are trained to share knowledge within your scope. We fully encourage providing light essential information to help clientele. You may use your knowledge as a professional to help clients with certain physical conditions in the massage therapy scope. You are trained to share knowledge about in your scope only. We fully encourage proving light essential information to clientele. To provide full relaxing benefits of massage, as a professional promoting silence during your massage service is always helpful.
4. To start, Before we begin today, you can say I need to know what is the most important thing i can do for you today, so are there any areas you would like me to give more attention to, place hands gently on the area to know specifically were it is and ask.. here, this also allows you to cross into there boundary space and increase trust. When beginning some therapist may tell clients to take one deep breath and exhale, put all your issues aside you can have them back after the massage. For aromatherapy, use the three breath or cloth technique begin with cupping hands together and asking client to breath in twice and take one last breath, hands placed away from them. Another technique(Example) When beginning some therapist may tell clients to take one deep breath and exhale, put all your issues aside you can have them back after the massage.
Be sure to be grounded before each massage, take a deep breath tell your self to always relax – focus – massage, you must also place all your issues aside and provide your massage at your best massage possible.
5. Remember if client is excited, start your massage session at a faster pace then gradually move towards a slower one, if client is drowsy or sluggish begin session slower and gradually move toward a faster but relaxing pace.
6. After 30 seconds-1 minute into the massage ask about the pressure
7. When client is flipping over hold sheet up completely to cover them, for women clientele please use both towel and sheet full draping procedure
8. When ending the massage, its always best to end with your signature. Offer to wash your hands and allow client to dress, then you may step back to the room to pack massage table, if efficiency you can step in rest room to cleanse hands until client has fully dressed
9. Cash transactions- At the end of session we do not mention payment, this is at the comfort level of the client, unless you were informed they will cover parking, however they usually mention payments shortly after or even when beginning appointments. If you are walking out of the door a simple jester with a kind hearted smile will usually do. At times clients may forget, we also do not ask for tips under any circumstance this is always at comfort level of clients, remember if no tip is provided please inform me and you will be provided an extra $10 dollars for your appointment. 98% of clients usually tip and prior to appointment tips are firmly encourage for all contractors by I or the assistant booking your session. If for some or any reason you are not paid monies due from the appointment walk out of the door with no confrontation with client, you will be completely reimbursed for the length of service and labor given. Any confrontation on a mild to high scale will be immediate grounds for termination. Remember our motto, good assessments, ethical decisions, great judgments!
Couples Massage Courses & Spa Party Classes
Eminence couples massage course is an exciting innovative means to catering massage therapy to the public while increasing exposure to the Eminence Massage name. Lets increase sales! Our goal is to gain repeat clientele while providing samples of all that massage therapy is and can be once introduced into their live. Therapist are expected to have fun and provide a go with the flow energy to couples while educating simple yet recreational techniques to clients. We advise the first 30 – 45 minutes of enthusiastic but brief explanation of the A-P, larger muscles, bones and endangerment areas on the body etc, if a group course this will be a 15 – 20 minute tutorial. Therapist are encourage to instruct guest on the latest creams, oils, massage tables, best linens and spa musics for clients to indulge. If available please bring examples of great brands you may enjoy using in your one on one sessions. Therapist may print out a muscle chart, skeletal chart and or reflexology chart. Therapist may use the remaining hour and 15 minutes to show there personal hands on best techniques to clients. Remember to have energy, have fun and enjoy a all new massage experience while getting paid for your time. (SALE-SALE-SALE) Remember our goal is to increase exposure to the Eminence Massage brand and name. Therapist may inform customers of the year we open, the owner, why we love massage, benefits of massage and why we are the premier mobile spa service in your state. *Instructional CE massage courses are to only be provided by a certified CEU provider.
Spa Technicians can inform clients : I cannot teach you how to do massage, I can teach you how to avoid the problem areas when distributing a massage, a massage is your own it belongs to you and you alone
Click Here For Spa Party Group Classes
Organizing Your Mobile Massage Equipment
Even though you can’t always control your environment, there are steps you can take to ensure a relaxing experience for both you and your client. One idea is to make a list of supplies you need for out calls. Check off your list before each visit. You’ll be less likely to forget something important. Another idea is to keep all of your out call supplies together in one place. Consider keeping one bottle of massage oil in your out call bag. Store your out call supplies in your vehicle if possible, except for lubricants, which should be stored in a temperature-controlled environment. Keep samples of lube in your vehicle, just in case you forget to pack some. Use the following checklist as a starting point for your own list of items to remember. Add or subtract items as needed. If you want to make your out calls extra special, consider including a few of the items in the list below. Your clients will appreciate these luxury add-ons.
List of Items for Massage Therapist Out calls:
Massage table
Bolster pillows
Fresh Linens (sheets, face cradle covers, (light blanket if convenient)
Oils, lotions, or creams
Massage table cleaner
Product holster
Battery Operated Candle
Folding massage stool
MP3 player and speakers or portable c.d player, smart phone(pandora app)
Clip watch
Hand sanitizer
Appointment book
Positive Attitude and a Healthy Smile
Remember MOLT: music-oil-linens-table
Eminence Massage Business Cards
*Massage Chair
Optional Items…
Hot stones
Oil warmer
Essential oils
Pen and Paper
Bottle Of Water Massage table warmer pad
Small crock pot for hot towels, Scented candles and warmer, Chairs & Sanitizing equipment, disposable face cradles
Advice on Massage, Creams, Oils, Lotions and Gels…
If you have more then one product, please ask clients there preference of oil or cream and if they are allergic to either. Essential oils are only utilized if requested by clients(Aromatherapy Massage is provided when therapist is license, trained and certified however techniques such as cloth on bar under face cradle and rubbing a little oil upon hands and having clients inhale can be used. Your oils, cream, lotions should all be lightly scented, great for gliding and containing moisturizing for massage. If you have all three products please present the option to consumer/clients. Always make sure it is not a contraindication for client, some may be allergic to creams. Brands we use are jojoba, melrose H2O, Hemp, Organic (optional), Coconut, almond, lavender, grape seed and Apricot. Supplier brands we use Soothing touch, Biotone and Muti purpose Bon Vital. Places you can purchase these products are online from massage ware house, massage depot, newlifesystems, and a popular walk in store is educating hands school of massage. For our trained Aromatherapist essential oils combine will be Rose petal, sage, peppermint, rosemary, jasmine, lemon, chamomile, tea tree, if you have more of an understanding of the clients, condition/needs you may utilize which oils you believe are best. Whether is medical massage, emotional condition, general health, breaking additions, lifestyle planning, weight lost, Backache, irritable bowel syndrome or headaches, stress or a physical problem. A few tips for massage: Tips, if client is ticklish apply deeper pressure, if to much hair place more lubricate, If client is stiff in arm or legs, shake ligament gently.
Battery operated, electronic flamless candles should be used for all services, thera candle is a great brand, you can purchase them from cvs, ebay or walgreens. If you have incense, real candles, chakra healing candles then they will suffice if you have them available and client gives consent. Aromatherapy Massage is provided when therapist are license, trained and certified however techniques such as cloth on bar under face cradle and rubbing a little oil upon hands and having clients inhale can be used among all massage therapist.
Massage Tables
Massage tables and equipment you will use should be in good condition, Popular brands are earth lite, living earth crafts, strong lite, innerstrength massage tables product you can clean your table with our citrus two(sallybeauty walk in) and massage warehouse(online) and cavi or disenfective wipes for wipes for massage chairs face cradles, alcohol is to strong and will ruin leather on your table, you can purchase cleaning supplies online or them on massage ware house, overstock, amazon and earthlite.com. Table must be cleaned thoroughly to avoid cross contamination, bacteria, chemicals left behind that ruin your leather, Bleach is the best material to cleanse your sheets, you may place salt on linens first to clean them, always place in dryer to provide extra sanitation
Linens are all white, off white, tan or beige and can be purchase from walmart, target, kmart, any bedding store, cotton, egyptian cotton will suffice, you can buy them online at (body linen) HemmingwayMassageProducts) and (clinicalhealthservices) and massage ware house, you can get oil out of sheets by placing salt on them before you shower, the best way to sanitize is to use bleach and dryer.
We ask that you use a portable CD player, iPad, Smart Phone(pandora 1 commercial free) or youtube, portable speaker (pill), music should be eastern, Western Chinese medicine, meditational, classical, native American, spa suite, Enya, Adam Crain, Peter Davison, No sound scapes, no nature scapes such as ocean sounds, birds or trees unless requested by the client. Some may also have there own music
Residential Chair massage therapy services
One on one chair massage therapy services in residential/hotel locations are to be carried out in same greeting as regular massage therapy services. Mobile chair massage services in residential/home locations are beneficial to clients/consumers who experience discomfort on a massage table due to a chronic surgery, injury or pain in a the body. Once at location therapist will carry out 1 hour chair massage therapy services. Therapist may also utilize creams/oils/lotions for arms & neck areas. Clients are to be given massage while wearing clothing and in some cases shirts can be remove if at the comfort level of the client. Bottom clothing/shorts must be worn by client at all times.
Scrubs Therapist Will Prepare
Contour Oceanic Scrub:
Ingredients: Luffa, Honey, Conditioner and Salt
How to prepare: Mix honey and salt together, with conditioner the quantity of salt to add in the scrub depending on your preference, the more salt is the more bead texture. The conditioner softens and provides the skin a more luxurious feel.
Honey helps to smoothen and adds moisture to the skin. It also helps to treat any wounds from acne.For dry, sensitive and normal skin (especially to reduce rough and dark color at the elbows and knees)
Skin Lightning Lavish Scrub:
Ingredients: Lemon or Lemon Juice, Conditioner and Salt
Mix Lemon and salt together, with conditioner the quantity of salt to add in the scrub depending on your preference, the more salt is the more bead texture. The conditioner softens and provides the skin a more luxurious feel.
Lemon helps to brighten as conditioner softens the skin. If Someone has oily skin, you can add lemon juice to this recipe and this scrub will help to prevent and treat acne on oily skin. Another tip is lemon juice give the benefit of your clients skin brightening
Silk (The Ultimate Scrub):
Ingredients: Conditioner, Salt, Milk or Powder milk and Honey
How to prepare: In small bowl, mix honey, salt and milk together. Use small size bowl to soak inside the honey and milk mixture. This scrub mixes so that your clients body will absorb the honey and milk. A adequate amount of conditioner will be necessary to help soften, create vibrance and provide a smoother feel for each clients skin.
This scrub will help to smooth clients skin, brighten, tone, exfoliate and soften rougher skin such as on the elbows, knees and feet.
This recipe will smooth your skin and add moisture to the skin.
Step by Step Body Scrub Material & Procedure:
-1 Body Polish Brush, 1 Bottom Blanket/table Warmer, 1 Sheet, 2 Towel, Body Scrub Product, 6/8 small hand towels, *Note, Optional-body scrub hand gloves or loofa
-A Blanket or table warmer for warmth must be used as your bottom quilt, a sheet placed above the blanket, place a towel across the sheet leaving space in between (please assess clients height for accurate spacing, for example most arms, abdomen, hips should be have towel underneath, this will help to contain and absorb the salt in the scrub.You may then place a blanket on top for warmth or a warming blanket.
-Remember to drape them for warmth, once client is upon table apply moisture before scrub, any oil of your choice, massage lotion will suit, this is why if dual service we dispense massage first so skin is already moisturized, oil can also be added to scrub to have moisture.
-Body scrub should be distributed upon back in a small amount with massage then on front to avoid to much salt spread over table, once complete client must be turned over while adhering to draping techniques and begin with extremities. While keeping the allowed time of service in mind, you may also use scrub gloves with moisture if your hand become sensitive and or irritated during treatment
-Professional may apply treatment to one extremity at a time and soon work the body as a whole. Scrub clients skin softly in circle, this will not only cleanse but help also to improve blood circulation, over rougher areas (elbows) scrub more vigorously, once scrub is applied remove with the hot damp hand towels, you can even wrap extremity in plastic once you wipe it off
-When complete keep client fully draped and cocoon with towels (necessary if client/consumer is cold and keep moisture during session) ask to rinse hands and begin cranio, or reflexology work to being provided, if you do not have a portable hot towel warmer you may ask client to use microwave to warm hand towels while damp.
-Professional may also inform client they may also shower after treatment once they leave. Keep in mind you may also provide massage during the treatment in respect to the time, remember you must adhere to the time of the appointment. Bring an extra sheets, towels and remain as neat as possible. Body scrubs are all in home regimes, similar scrubs can be purchased online at Eminence Organics, Jabong.com, Beauty.com and Thebodyshop.com.
-Eminence contractors are advised to make and utilize in home regime as it is least expensive.
-Draping and draping techniques should be practice through service
Informing Tips For Body Scrubs
1. Look for contraindications ex: high blood pressure, open sores, cuts or wounds, recent sunburns. If space is limited always try your best to work with client.
2. Items requires are a blanket 1 sheet, 1 towel, oil, Scrub, Remember you are in there home we want to be a neat as possible, if cold you may wrap towels around client while providing scrub on another area of the body, Offer client option to warm the scrub before it is lathered upon the body, draping is required and client must be draped properly at all times.
3. Loofah is optional some clients may feel more comfortable with the therapist hands, because we can incorporate massage.
4. After scrub your clients skin will be more sensitive to the sunlight, so you should always remind client for optimal results and to have bright and glowing skin, its best to have scrub one to two days before or after the visit the beach
5. Inform clients Exfoliating there entire body can help prevent body acne in many places below your neck, such as the chest, back and arms. It also might help you avoid in grown hairs by preventing dead skin cells from plugging up follicles where you’ve shaved or waxed. And it can help even out skin tone and keep your skin hydrated and soft. A scrub can provide and extra burst of energy, which could help with blood flow to your skin and make you look and feel better. If preparing for a party or an important event, it can provide you with a radiating glow.
6. Keep in mind client must shower after session, please honor clients time.
7. Begin your session with massage oil to first moisturize skin, soon lather scrub, you can apply massage in the middle of the scrub or more towards the end. This ensures clients receives a full hour treat You may apply treatment to one extremity at a time and soon work the body as a whole. Scrub clients skin softly in circle, this will not only cleanse but help also to improve blood circulation, over rougher areas scrub abit harder. Keep in mind client must shower after session, please honor clients time.
8. Always remind client to use some form of moisturizer after body scrub session, or they are free to apply no moister and leave the pores open
9. Body scrubs are all in home regimes, similar scrubs can be purchased online at Eminence Organics, Jabong.com, Beauty.com and the bodyshop.com
10. Use enough product in a jar or a container for that one client and rinse container and dispose of the remaining product, do not re-use body scrub materials, this is not sanitary, if you have product made prior in container take enough out that is suitable for a full Eminence body scrub.
Body Wrap Procedures
If massage and body wrap massage session, please keep in mind massage is ALWAYS applied first, you may also provide lite exfoliation with skin polish brush before wrap if you choose. To begin body wrap session we must first have clients in a prone position to administer wrap upon back, lower posterior and lower extremities in respect to their comfort level. Turn over client using Eminence draping techniques begin with extremities before neck stomach or torso, this will make removing plastic much easier after product is fully applied. Ex: forearm , Arm Lower leg full leg…. Plastic wrap for wrapping product upon skin section by section, A Blanket or table warmer for warmth must be used as your bottom quilt, a sheet placed above the blanket, place two towels lane side by side across table if you choose (please assess clients height for accurate spacing, for example most arms, abdomen, hips should be able to have towel underneath however still able to drape them for warmth) upon the the sheets once client is upon table, brush skin and apply moisture before each wrap, non robotically, any moisturizer will suit, if you provided a massage before session the remaining moisture will suffice, if you choose you can cover your table with plastic wrap above warmer and sheets.
Apply (with some massage) the wrap generously over clients body either section by section or in full including the back, neck and feet(optional) ask client to turn over very slowly while you follow Eminence draping procedures after massage, apply wrap, once wrap is applied you may now fully draped and cocoon the client with towels (necessary if client/consumer is cold or receiving herbal wrap) ask to rinse hands and begin cranio, neck or reflexology work
If you do not have a portable hot towel warmer you may ask client to shower after treatment while you pack your equipment. Leave an extra five minute room during appointment for client to shower. Keep in mind you may also provide massage before the treatment in respect to the given time. Mud clay (Bentonite) can come from any natural or herbal store. Educating hands- walk in store in mid town Miami for Miami professional, Online at Green clay.com or whole sale body wrap.com.
Eminence Aroma Body Wrap & Green tea Herbal Wrap Materials & Procedure: 1 body polish brush, 1 bottom blanket/table warmer, 1 sheet, 2 towels, wrap product, Scissors, Plastic Wrap
Ingredients: Water or green tea depending upon wrap, Bentonite Clay. If you are applying water for smoother or thicker application, be sure you add the right amount. Use plastic container to hold your clay once prepared. Bentonite clay is also referred to as Montmorillonite, is one of the most effective and powerful healing clays. It is a unique clay due to its ability to produce an “electrical charge” when hydrated. Upon contact with fluid, its electrical components change, giving it the ability to absorb toxins. Bentonite is known for its ability to absorb and remove not only toxins but heavy metals, impurities, and chemicals, it is a swelling clay. When it becomes mixed with water it rapidly swells open like a highly porous sponge. From here the toxins are drawn into the sponge through electrical attraction and once there, they are bound.”carries a strong negative charge which bonds to the positive charge in many toxins. When it comes in contact with a toxin, chemical, or heavy metal, the clay will absorb the toxin and release it’s minerals for the body to use. Bentonite also helps get oxygen to cells as it pulls excess hydrogen and allows the cells to replace it with oxygen instead. is a common ingredient in detox and cleansing products. It has an alkalizing effect on the body and when taken correctly, it can help balance gut bacteria. It has a high concentration of minerals including silica, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and potassium. Its known for helping with skin and allergy issues, provide minerals for the body to help speed recovery from vomiting and diarrhea, Externally helps for all types of skin problems and aids to speed healing. Our Clay/Mud treatment is used to open pores, draw impurities and detoxify, it will make the skin feel tighter after the mud or clay dries, giving the body and face a firmer appearance. The mud/clay treatment will also work to remove toxins and impurities from the body, which are then rinsed away in the shower leaving it nourished, revived, smoothed and cleansed. Bentonite clay can be purchased from ebay for 1 dollar or bulkapothecary.com, or spirit of health.com
*Note: Green tea herbal wrap will substitute water for green tea herbal wrap
Chocolate body wrap:
Eminence chocolate Body wrap is suitable for all skin types, please to choose products which are your liking for chocolate body wraps,practice wraps on friends and family. Chocolate body wraps are best to suit SENSATIVE skin. Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants, which are not only good for your body, but also great for your skin! Whether client has oily, acne-prone skin, or need a good, exfoliation, there is bound to be a chocolate wrap to suit there liking, The antioxidants present in dark chocolate are very effective in preventing the attack of free radicals, blemishes and marks are common problems of sensitive skin. The effect of chocolate on skin can do wonders to enhance clients glow. Chocolate body wraps can treat sun tan effectively to retain the normal tone of clients skin. The hydrating effect of chocolate wrap is outstanding that can keep clients skin moistened and soft. Dark chocolate is well known for its property in increasing serotonin production to manage stress. Also, it will increase the production of collagen and help maintain the elasticity of the skin. Chocolate body wraps can also tone the body and provide a temporary reduction of inches due to water weight loss after the skin is firmed. Body wraps provide relaxation, while chocolate body wraps can smell pleasant and be a delectable treat at the same time. Since these wraps can be expensive to purchase online, Eminence Therapist are encourage to make and utilize in home organic ingredients.
*Therapist, Clients should not attempt to eat the product. Product is also suitable for mask if desired by client, please to choose products which best fit your liking for chocolate body wraps
Products You may consider for wraps
- Cocoa Powder
- Honey
- Fresh Cream
- Milk
- Mint Leaves
- Olive Oil
- Strawberries
- Champagne
- Coconut Oil
- Chocolate oil
- Cocoa essence
- Gram Flour
- Almond or macadamia oil
- Jojoba oil
- Aloe vera gel
- Ginseng
- yogurt
- Egg Yolk
Product Advice
- Mix of cocoa powder with (4tbsp)honey.
- Blend it well.
- For people with oily skin – add 2 tbsp of besan (gram flour) and 3 tbsp of curd to it. …
- Mix all the ingredients till you see a thick, brown coloured-batter.
- Spread the chocolate wrap evenly on client, include massage to fit your allotted time.
- Leave it onto dry for at least 20 minutes while administering massage on the feet and scalp.
- 1 cup of cocoa powder •1 tbs of raw honey •1 1/2 tbs of organic coconut oil (melted) Make a paste with these ingredients, add a little more honey or cocoa to make it a nice consistency
Informing Tips For Body Wraps
1. Look for contraindications ex: high or low blood pressure, pregnancy open sores, cuts or wounds, recent sunburns, Skin Diseases, Severe Varicose Veins, Implanted Pacemaker, Acute Joint Injury (1st 48 hours), Lupus Erythematosus, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy
2. If space is limited always try your best to work with client.
3. Body Brush, Bring a blanket, thermal blanket if possible, two sheets and two towels, cream or lotion, remember you are in there home we want to be a neat as possible, if cold you may wrap towels around client while providing wrap on exposed area, offer client option to warm the scrub before it is lathered upon the body, draping is required and client must be draped properly at all times.
4. Body polish brush is optional some clients may feel more in synch and relaxed with the therapist hands, because we can incorporate massage.
5. After body wrap clients may feel slightly dehydrated so it is always best to offer them water before and after treatments
6. Inform clients receiving a body wrap can help to exfoliate dead skin cells, cleanse, detox body toxins, eliminate impurities, nourish and soften skin
7. You are expected to brush skin first, apply massage cream or lotion and soon apply wrap. You can apply massage while placing wrap treatment upon clients skin. Once wrap is completely applied and wrap in plastic you may distribute cranio, neck and reflexology massage. Keep in mind you will use cocoon draping technique, you may work one extremity at a time, while client is fully draped, warm and covered and soon work the body as a whole. This ensures clients receives a full treatment tie. In respect to leaving 5 minutes for client to shower after.
8. Inform clients to receive maximum benefits of there body wraps they must- Remove the toxins through regular body wraps. Drink more water to flush the toxins naturally. Eat a little healthier. Exercise often and Maintain a steady weight
9. Some therapist may prefer administering wrap product then plastic one section at a time, others may choose to apply wrap generously over client and administer massage till complete. Wrap techniques are always chosen by therapist, use good assessment to best judge what may fit both professional and client
10. Product you can choose to carry are
- A clean brush for applying the wrap base
- A thermal or heated blanket
- Essential oils for the body massage
- A plastic wrap
- Extra Sheets
- Towels
- Scissors
- Electric blanket warmer
- Tin Foil
11. Practice Wraps on friends and family we may also have a training every two months for newer contractors.
12. Use enough product in a jar or a container for that one client and rinse container and dispose of the remaining product, do not re-use body wrap materials, this is not sanitary, if you have product made prior in a container take enough out that is suitable for a full Eminence body wrap.
Couples Massage
Couples Massage Services will all be address by a lead therapist. For couples massage lead will be responsible for contacting client either one hour prior to service or morning of service to inform eta and gather any necessary information from client, concierge info, parking etc. Lead will verify who will provide candles and music for couples massage. All remaining materials such as sheets, massage table, oils will be brought by both individuals just as regular massage.
Group Events, Chair Massage & Spa Parties
For spa parties and some chair massage events you may be required to arrive at storage the day before or the day of events, to obtain necessary items for your given station. Compensation will be provided for extra labor and travel for events. Spa parties are group events and we ask that you bring your team player A Plus attitude:) Lead will be certain to contact event host of chair massage or spa party to inform arrival time, remind all therapist, cosmetologist and estheticians to wear the same color uniforms and have on time simultaneous arrival. Lead therapist will distribute tips fairly and make bank deposit if cash is received. *Note, be certain to not pass out gratuity (money) from client/host in front of host or home to other professionals. Please leave property after agreeing to meet and then distribute tips equally. If spa party being sure all contractors provide both candles and music, set up, clean up and being sure all therapist leave at exact timing in a courteous, ethical and fashionable manner, that no one is eating, sitting, smoking or stays behind after event. If spa party be all contractors provide both candles and music, set up, clean up and be sure all therapist leave at exact timing in a courteous, ethical and fashionable manner, that no one is eating, sitting, smoking during or staying behind after event, if you finish early help provide two hand massage with other therapist. Be mindful.
Welcome To The Eminence Family