
We have long recognized Spring as a time of rebirth and regeneration.  The celebration of spring is an ancient one. Spring rituals date back to prehistoric times for our species, and were celebrated worldwide with themes and customs that resonate right through to the present day.  Even the famed egg hunt deals with a symbol of new life.  Pagan and Earth based religions placed huge importance on Spring as a time when the Earth awakens and comes alive.  The transition is seen as miraculous: a new birth, and new beginning.

So what about change in our own lives?  If Spring is the time, then what is the best approach?  There are a few guidelines that apply broadly, whether our goal relates to health, relationships, finance, or any other, and one of them is sensible optimism.  It has been demonstrated many times that optimists have better outcomes.  In a positive frame of mind, you tend to more readily spot opportunities, and act on them.  Your enthusiasm, humor and positive affect is also more naturally attractive and approachable, so you are more likely to meet folks who may be in a position to support your goals.  Another benefit is immune health.  With a positive, adaptive approach to life, your immune system is stronger and you more easily overcome fatigue, or a cold virus- in fact they may hardly get through to you at all.

Remember to seek out support when you need it.  Have you noticed how good you feel when you’re able to help a friend, or even a stranger?  Well, the same holds true for others when you give them the opportunity to support you.  It’s okay to give voice to what it is you need- not necessarily your entire plan- but any part of it with which you could use advice or assistance.  In this way, you build a network of collaborators and a bouquet of talent to support you on this journey, much the way you support them.

The last item we want to touch on is self-care.  If you want to help rescue stray animals, start a foundation to help struggling young people or any other worthwhile goal in life, it is essential to take care of your physical and emotional well-being.  Take time to rest, and be sure to make time for activities that are nourishing and fun for you: that’s where the renewal is!

Thank you for tuning in this month, and here’s to new beginnings.  



Eminence Massage LLC

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  1 (888) 416 – 4183 
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